مدي تحقيق نظريات العمارة الحديثة لأسس تصميم العمارة التقليدية (دراسة مقارنة)

Document Type : Original Article


قسم الهندسة المعمارية - بمعهد أکتوبر العالي للهندسة و التکنولوجيا- بمدينة السادس من أکتوبر


The term identity is one of the broadest and most controversial terminologies.  There are a set of constants that have played a role in shaping the architectural identity of societies and are still playing the same role they played in the past and the climate is at the forefront of these factors.
Of course, dealing with traditional architecture with different elements of the climate is multifaceted and this is called for a variety of patterns of innovative solutions if dealt with in a new and creative way. The effectiveness of these climatic architectural elements over time has turned into cultural symbols. Therefore, reproducing these elements in an innovatively and creatively to cope with a new, not necessarily climatic, use of cultural self-expression is necessarily an indirect reference to the role of the climate in constructing the identity of the building. The research follows the theoretical and analytical approach to how to achieve cultural identity in a modern way to provide a pleasant atmosphere.
