أثر تطبيق تقنيات التبريد السالب فى تحسين الأداء الحرارى للقرى السياحية؛ "دراسة حالة فراغ داخلى فى إحدى القرى السياحية بمدينة بورسعيد"

Document Type : Original Article


قسم هندسة العمارة – کلية الهندسة – جامعة عين شمس


The facilities of the existing tourist villages in Port Said have been affected by the problem of rising temperatures. They resorted to artificial ventilation devices such as air conditioners and fans to achieve thermal comfort in their internal spaces. This resulted in increased energy consumption in these facilities. Which requires solving the problem of rising temperatures without resorting to artificial ventilation, by using environmental treatments that correspond to the situation focused on the outside of the building. The research aims to improve the thermal performance of the outer shell of the building, and thus reflected on the interior spaces and achieve thermal comfort, and taking into account the rational consumption of energy, and will therefore resort to the techniques of cooling negative.
The negative cooling techniques of the exterior of the building are traditional environmental treatments and modern environmental treatments. These treatments address the three main components of the building's outer shell: windows, exterior walls and the surface. The treatment of these elements is based on the use of modern high-performance thermal building materials that reduce the occurrence of heat transfer. Some types of environmental treatments will be reviewed for the three components of the external casing in the research. The aim of these treatments is to reach the required thermal comfort level.
