استدامة المبانى الذاکية دور تطبيقات مبادئ الاستدامه للوصول الى التوازن بين التکنولوجيا والبيئه

Document Type : Original Article


1 قسم العمارة ، جامعة 6 اکتوبر

2 قسم العمارة، جامعة القاهرة


The increase in the boom of industrial development, the boom in technological development and the increase of environmental pollutants was the trend of inviting a friend to the environment, with the technological development and the emergence of modern technologies, the integration of AI and information technology in the building sciences began. The smart building emerged as a result of this integration and attention to it, the establishment of technologically intelligent buildings and the lack of environmental aspects The aim was to integrate the systems and materials and the smart cover with the environmental factors, to reduce harmful emissions and consumption of energy, to keep pace with the development in this direction, To reach the balance between technology and environment in sustainable smart buildings.
