دور العوامل السياسية في ظهور توجه التغريب في العمارة المصرية: دراسة حالة للناتج المعماري المصري خلال فترتي حکم محمد علي وإسماعيل

Document Type : Original Article


قسم الهندسة المعمارية - کلية الهندسة بشبرا- جامعة بنها


The study examines the impact of political factors and the consequent changes in economic and social factors on architectural trends. through studying the role of political factors in the emergence and spread of the Western trend in Egyptian architecture, which began during Muhammad Ali's rule in Egypt and increased during Ismail's rule, and studied the architectural styles that reflect the western trend and the architectural output in both periods. And the similarities and differences in architectural trends during the periods of Muhammad Ali and Ismail.
