أهدار المنشآت الأثرية والمباني ذات القيمة المعمارية فى مصر

Document Type : Original Article


استاذ التصميم العمرانى - قسم التخطيط الحضرى والاقليمى


Architectural works of value in Egypt have been violated for a long time now. The intensity of the intervention, whether by conservation or demolition, differed according to successive periods of government, but the continued elimination of these actions has increased in the past 50 years. The position of the monumental or aesthetic building is determined by the views of the owner (the archeological authority and the urban coordination). Each has a different view of the way of dealing with the building because of the absence of legal legislation that regulates the handling of this type of work. The value and even conflicting provisions of this legislation, which contributes greatly to exploit the gaps in the law to demolish these buildings. Many of those interested in this matter contributed their opinions on the development of a general perception of these buildings through the existing areas and raise the awareness of the people to deal with them as a cultural stock that benefits the owners and the state at the same time..