Document Type : Original Article


1 Architecture Department, in Architecture, P.H.I for Eng. and Technology - 2016

2 Architectural Design, Pyramids Higher Institute For Engineering & Technology, Giza, Egypt

3 Architecture & Urban Design ,Faculty of Fine Arts, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt


It is easy today to predict that the building systems will become active in the responsive system
operation by controlling their energy consumption to optimize complex criteria beyond ensuring local
end-use comfort satisfaction. It's necessary to enable integration between the building and the
surrounding environment. So, Responsiveness in architecture is one of the attributes that you can
apply. Studies have shown that the biggest reason for this, billions of people will live in cities
especially in Asia and Africa, and most cities are not ready for this massive growth, it's hard to show
buildings and more damage to the environment, cause our cities to emit 80% of greenhouse gases
industry, transportation and Mobility. So, it should use natural resources to reduce energy
consumption that seeks sustainable building design. Cities are not only the hotels, but it's placed to
live in order to influence and improve their characteristics. This study is a part of a thesis titled
"Analytical study of responsive architecture and smart materials and their impact on environmental
design" and it aims to understand and multiple forms of architectural response such as a kinetic
facades or human interface with the building to generate energy or use local building materials which
reduce energy consumption and resources .We have to work on the future cities to achieve livability
and responsiveness it's become first for a smart , So it's important to know the architecture information
and Knowledge. This paper aims to know how to reduce energy consumption in buildings according to
use a responsive system in architecture to achieve this and improve the efficiency and thermal
performance of buildings.
من السهل اليوم التنبؤ بأن أنظمة البناء ستصبح نشطة في تشغيل النظام المتجاوب من خلال التحکم في استهلاک الطاقة لتحسين المعايير المعقدة إلى جانب ضمان الارتياح المحلي للاستخدام النهائي. من الضروري تمکين التکامل بين المبنى والبيئة المحيطة. لذلک ، تعتبر الاستجابة في الهندسة المعمارية إحدى السمات التي يمکنک تطبيقها. أظهرت الدراسات أن السبب الأکبر لذلک هو أن مليارات الأشخاص سيعيشون في مدن خاصة في آسيا وإفريقيا ، وأن معظم المدن ليست جاهزة لهذا النمو الهائل ، ومن الصعب إظهار المباني والمزيد من الأضرار التي تلحق بالبيئة ، وتسبب مدننا في تنبعث منها 80 ٪ من صناعة غازات الدفيئة والنقل والتنقل. لذلک ، يجب أن تستخدم الموارد الطبيعية لتقليل استهلاک الطاقة الذي يسعى إلى تصميم مستدام للمباني. ليست المدن هي الفنادق فقط ، ولکنها مهيأة للعيش من أجل التأثير على خصائصها وتحسينها.
