مصادر الطاقة المتجددة والتصـميم العمـراني المسـتدام

Document Type : Original Article


أستاذ مشارک، عميد کلية العمارة والتخطيط، جامعة القصيم، المملکة العربية السعودية.


The world today is facing many of the challenges that accompany rapid urban development. One of these challenges is the continuous consumption of traditional energy sources to achieve an convenient environment for human life. The over-using of these energy sources in urban development lead to negative impact on the natural environment, especially in urban areas. At the present time, renewable sources of energy has become one of the most important environment-friendly alternatives. Its reliability can be maximized as a substitute for traditional sources of energy by specialists in the design and construction of the urbanism. This research discuss the negative impact of excessive use traditional so urces of energy, the pros of rely on renewable energy sources in the area of urban development, the concept of sustainable urban design, principles of its realization and the most important applications in the use of renewable energy sources in urbanism. Several recommendations have been suggested to rationalize the energy consumption and reliance on renewable energy sources instead of the traditional sources of energy to maintain the Earth's environment clean healthy valid for modern human life without prejudice to the rights of future generations in a clean non-polluting healthy environment.